The Avengers: What the Butler Saw (1966)
Season 4, Episode 22
....but what did he do about what he saw?
10 July 2022
Steed is on the hunt for a key military figure who's selling state secrets, all he knows is that it's one of three people,

After the wild shenanigans of the previous episode, What The Butler saw marks a real change of pace, tone and vibe. This is more like a comedy caper, it's good, it's watchable, maybe it just lacks a memorable moment. Not what I expected from writer, Brian Clemens.

The opening scenes with Steed sat in The Barber's chair are a little tongue in cheek, and perhaps set the tone for the rest of the episode. It's one that's definitely not meant to be taken too seriously. Mrs Peel felt really underused here.

It's not without its plus points, there are some fine performances from John Le Mesurier, Thorley Walters and Dennis Quilley. Also, I really did like the idea of a mystery figure sat behind the Fireside chair pulling the strings.

The whole butler storyline felt a little muddled at times.

Not a bad watch, not a favourite, 6/10.
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