Kip and Henry (Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari), two ad men down on their luck, find an affordable room in the city that's perfect for them, there's just one catch; the Susan B. Anthony home for women only rents rooms to women. So of course the obvious solution is for Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari to dress as women for half their lives to get cheap rent, in this wacky sit-com... Its fine for what it is, Tom Hanks alone is a reason to watch a few episodes. Definitely not an icon for drag or anything of that nature, both Hanks and Scolari do well playing women in a funny but not overly mocking way, and they bring what they can to the scripts, their chemistry only gets better as the show progressed. The writing is fairly bad, created by many of the same writers as Laverne & Shirley (itself a Happy Days spin-off), the thought seems to have been "man if only we could write another successful show about women but this time without having leads be women!" From IMDB, this show about women featured 8 male directors and ~15 male writers over its few seasons, I didn't see any women listed. I wouldn't recommend this show frankly unless you're a mega-fan of Hanks, its fairly hard to come by and can definitely be skipped.