Vice Versa (2022)
Vice Versa is a must watched series!!
11 August 2022
As I've read the novel, when I watched the series I am quite overwhelmed how they've managed to tackle the 5 chapters in just one episode but despite that they've elaborate the plot well for episode 1. Still don't get it why others find it hard to understand the plot when they've already told everything in the mock trailer and episode 1. So far, I liked the happenings in the series. I love how they added and changed some scenes from the novel that I think turns out better. It also quite exciting for me because even though I've read the novel, I am still confused what is go to happened next. I also loved how they applied the colors/palette to the series (A LITTLE SPOILER 👀, it has a part to the plot so pay attention to the palettes). Overall, the series is so good and I am looking forward what will happen in the following episodes.
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