Francesca Quinn, PI (2022 TV Movie)
Lacking Chemistry in Lead Characters
28 September 2022
I was excited to see a new mystery on Hallmark so I watched this. However it was too easy to figure out who the real killer was. I'm not going to spoil it for those that haven't seen this movie. My main complaint about this movie is that there wasn't any chemistry in the lead characters. They supposedly were an item and were partners on the police force before Francesca left and became a private investigator. But there isn't much in the way of a chemistry between them. She says she's known him since they were in Kindergarten, but you don't really feel any closeness between them. She's pretty deadpan and cold fish most of the time.

The one bit of trivia in here says that this movie followed Mystery 101's last movie and was supposed to replace the franchise. I certainly hope not! Please bring back Mystery 101! The trivia said this movie had a similar plot line as the cliffhanger we were left with in Mystery 101 #7, just the names and occupations, and let's not forget the actors, writers, storyline, and chemistry was all completely different. Bring back Mystery 101 and give us some closure!
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