DONT. Just don't. I can't tell what exactly this movie is. It "seems" like an anthology film all based around "5G Zombies". Only reason I say this is all the various stories have varying levels of quality. The most annoying of all the stories has to be the social media influencer story she is incredibly annoying and acting unbelievably atrocious. This film also unapologetically used a scene from the remake of Resident Evil 2. This movie is fear mongering at its finest. I honestly can't tell if this is a joke. BUT! I can tell you that there is a few unintentionally HILARIOUS moments. This whole movie says a whole lot of nothing for the runtime. They just repeat themselves over and over. Like someone who sucks at improv. It literally is a complete waste of time and looks like something that SHOULD have been buried at the bottom of YouTube. My hope is that some director wanted to make a movie but quarantine happened and he commissioned a bunch of amateur filmmakers to make a short film based all around the same concept. Doesn't and couldn't make the film any better.