Review of Iké Boys

Iké Boys (2021)
Who Thinks This One is Even Remotely Good?
30 October 2022
Well maybe if you are 7 and dont know any better. The special effects are horribe. I guess they are trying to do a send up of japanese monster movies where the likes of Godzilla and others are men in costumes romping around Tokyo. Unfortuately, in this movie the budget is so low the romping is done in super close up with what appears to be blue screen, and some overlays.

And it's done horribly. Real horrible.

It's too bad because it reflects poorly on the clasiic Japanese monster movies that have such a large cult following both in Japan and worldwide.

At the end of the day I guess if you have really small kids they may enjoy this film but if you are a fan of Anime or Japanese monster flicks you are not going to like this movie at all.
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