As long as you put your cynical nature on hold it plays OK. It isn't great but no worse that many cop style or soapy series and better than some. Ms Collins although a good actress doesn't really fit here too well and adds to the implausiblilty of the show, not really her fault.
All this is not helped by the fact that the writers seem to have to make the Amassador some kind of super hero rather than rounding the 'team' into the show. Second series is even worse in terms of writing and drifts into 'personal relationships' like many soap operas do. Overall the issue is that it is so focused on one character (aka superhero) that it becomes steadily more unbelievable as time goes on. Shame really because the idea is quite good but the writers were really not clever enough to exploit the idea.
All this is not helped by the fact that the writers seem to have to make the Amassador some kind of super hero rather than rounding the 'team' into the show. Second series is even worse in terms of writing and drifts into 'personal relationships' like many soap operas do. Overall the issue is that it is so focused on one character (aka superhero) that it becomes steadily more unbelievable as time goes on. Shame really because the idea is quite good but the writers were really not clever enough to exploit the idea.