8 November 2022
Little art stub from increible france, so believe it or not...

its easy to spoil the fun due to its compressed idea and small cast, that doesnt fail much, what i strive most of all with is the urge of 70's and 80's feeling that i had but they say its 2021 in the story. Another issue is the somehow bleach like imaging of the world, just like the film where dried in the sun for speeding up purposes.

But its a film about a house, sex, rejuvination, man-holes, electronic dicks, instability , bad apples and ants. What amaze me most is that i wouldve betted my roins to japan and back if i ever bought a house like the story tells about.

So a witty presentation for us old and gregarious, there are only one truth in life except being born and that is to die, so believe it or not, a small recommend from the grumpy old man.
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