I went into this movie with an open mind to a lower budget movie with a unique story and an intriguing new lead killer entering into the horror slasher genre, and went out of it confused how it dropped the ball. I wasn't expecting powerful acting or writing, but I also wasn't expecting seemingly rushed performances and cliche after cliche that fell flat and felt like it was written by people with nothing in common with the characters. The best actor was surprisingly A-F-R-O, who looked like a veteran amongst rookies, and has a bright future as an actor, while the rest of the ensemble seemed inexperienced and out of place. The gang initiation premise seemed forced and out of place as there are plenty of ways to place 4 friends in the house. Bitch Ass himself had promise, but the voice, the mask and outfit were all a miss as he wasn't scary or creepy, just awkward and nerdy. The games weren't compelling or exciting, and I didn't need the edge of my seat at any point. I was also confused by the flashback scenes as there was nothing but costume changes involved with them, nothing was added to them to create a mood or feelings. This movie is right on the border of being really bad and cult classic bad.