One for the kids...
16 November 2022
I sat down to watch the 2022 family adventure movie "The Curious Case of Dolphin Bay" here late in 2022 with my 12 year old son. And I will say that he definitely enjoyed the movie a lot more than I did.

Sure, I knew that it was a family movie, but the storyline in the movie, as written by Jacob Stock, just was a bit too childish and predictable for my liking. Yeah, it made for an easy viewing experience for a family with young children, that's for sure, but for me as an adult then this movie wasn't exactly great.

The acting performances in "The Curious Case of Dolphin Bay" were fair enough. I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, but they actually carried the movie well enough, despite the fact of having limited material to work with from the script.

This movie came and went without leaving a lasting impression for me, and it will slowly fade into the mists of oblivion and never be retrieved for a second viewing.

My rating of director Christine Luby's 2022 movie "The Curious Case of Dolphin Bay" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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