This is an early Barbara Stanwyck performance, but already here she is perfectly superior. The story is gripping as a complicated relationship intrigue of destiny, and Barbara stands waiting for her bridegroom to turn up for their wedding, which he never does, as he is crushed in a traffic accident, and she is pregnant. Life could hardly start worse for a young woman expecting a child. Of course, she gives birth to the child but can't support him, so he is given away in adoption with the legal condition that she must never see him again nor ever try to make contact with him. Destiny has its own ways and brings the two together by accident, and they become inseparable, but she still must never reveal who she is to him.
Herbert Marshall also makes a fine performance, and although a melodrama it is constantly interfoliated with great comedy elements, especially by the inimitable Cesar Romero, who plays an incorrigible Don Juan type of the comic type. Binnie Barnes also plays an important type, and her argument with Herbert Marshall is one of the highlights - the script is outstanding all the way. You will have plenty of both laughs and tears in this heart-warming and very human film.
Herbert Marshall also makes a fine performance, and although a melodrama it is constantly interfoliated with great comedy elements, especially by the inimitable Cesar Romero, who plays an incorrigible Don Juan type of the comic type. Binnie Barnes also plays an important type, and her argument with Herbert Marshall is one of the highlights - the script is outstanding all the way. You will have plenty of both laughs and tears in this heart-warming and very human film.