Review of Zeppelin

Zeppelin (1971)
25 October 2022
During the First World War, the German super-weapon that had the British general staff most worried was the mighty zeppelin. They tried to work out weapons to take down the mighty vessels composed of hot air and sausage skins, but had no recourse to send in Michael York, whose German ancestry gave him an uncanny resemblance to his cousin, to make love to Elke Sommer and winkle out the secrets of the dirigible fleet.

There seems to have been a flurry of World War One movies in this period which attempted to recreate the ambiance of the period, but wound up being bloated failures. Filled with upbeat orchestral scores -- here by Roy Budd -- and one or two grand images that didn't make up for spending the first thirty minutes of this movie on back-story exposition, followed by a long series of scenes set in indoor sets and cramped sets, followed, eventually, by the dirigible exploding.
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