How many mirrors till...
2 January 2023
Here's an analogy that Kate (and probably anyone under 40) will hate. Led Zeppelin. Well at least from what I recall of an old Page/Plant interview in Creem or somesuch fan rag : the idea of being loosely tight when performing live. I've always liked that idea (hint it's what I dig about basketball, improvisation in the instant is a must!)

This show feels like Kate trying to defy not just the standard expectations of the live confessional comedy "special" (complete with meaningful message segment to close, which she explicitly lampoons and maroons as she cranks up the confusion, leaves the stage, and comes back as the "filming" is over.

Is it an attempt to try and bring the audience closer to the moment when inspiration hits, the spark on the anvil, striking personal pain with more general angst? Is it Kate trying to keep herself from being bored with herself? How many mirrors does it take for one's anticipation and self to disappear?

I honestly don't know. She (and her producer here Bo Burnham, yikes even he's now in his 30's - everyone seems so young to this jaded faded being, I had to change the age reference above). Burnham or Berlant added in some weird slash cuts to Kate alone, before the show that almost felt like an interrupted feed. Something smart going on there I bet, just eluded me.

Her edginess is something I (and Bo) find compelling, but I'm sure it's not for everyone. The neurosis/confidence flips faster than a compass in a magnetic storm. It's all an act. Or not.

There's a lot of I'm lying, but I'm not, but I *am* lying, just not now....or am I? At times she does reach back to variations of reliable routines, her dishing her features/upbringing (too idyllic) and there is a stretch where she works from the notion of a woman being born with all her eggs, into a nice bit involving an imaginary, invisible husband and I think 7 sons.

Probably those moments irk her, but they worked better than the faux clairvoyant with audience interaction in my bloated opinion. Checked this out on Hulu, and definitely am rooting for her. She had a couple of very favorable reviews for her Broadway show (extended through Feb 2023 if you are in/near NYC - and also produced by Burnham.)

She's one to watch, even if only through a two-way mirror for your safety, don't worry about her safety. I have a hunch she's indestructible....although success may weirdly be the biggest danger to her.
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