Far from home looks like a glorified high budget elementary school production written and directed by an imaginative 10 year old. It is truly ridiculous with a plot that lacks direction is uncoordinated , with loopholes that defy common sense.
It is packed with a star studded cast who's talents are undermined by amateur script writing and terrible directing. The series desperately tries to embody western young high school troupes but ends up being pretentious and sometimes downright cringe. The characters lacked depth and are unlikeable particularly the protagonist. The series ends in a rushed and an anti climatic manner and one is left truly feeling like their time has been wasted
A truly terrible series in every sense.
It is packed with a star studded cast who's talents are undermined by amateur script writing and terrible directing. The series desperately tries to embody western young high school troupes but ends up being pretentious and sometimes downright cringe. The characters lacked depth and are unlikeable particularly the protagonist. The series ends in a rushed and an anti climatic manner and one is left truly feeling like their time has been wasted
A truly terrible series in every sense.