This was a decent rendition of homer's classic tale. Basically, Odysseus (or Ulysses in the romanized name) attempts to return to his kingdom on the island of Ithaca, while telling of his trials on the way. The story takes a few deviations from the The Odyssey, cutting out some of the trials and combining others (Circe/Calypso are basically the same in this one). The special effects and action are pretty well done if you factor in the time period (1950s). Kirk douglas does a great job as Ulysses - he's at his best in the scenes of action or adventure. The softer scenes (Odysseus meeting his son or reuniting with Penelope) are better in this one than in other versions. Other actors were hit/miss, and the dialogue wasn't nearly as beautiful as Homer's epic poem. Overall it's entertaining, with a few flaws.