"The Drop" is a film that had the potential to be a cringe-worthy comedy, but unfortunately, it falls short in delivering on that promise. The premise of a woman dropping her friends' baby on her head while attending their tropical getaway wedding is intriguing, but the film fails to fully explore the comedic potential of that situation. Director and co-writer Sarah Adina Smith offers some inspired moments and laughs here and there, but too often, running bits simply don't pay off. The pacing is shaggy, and it feels as if the actors did a lot of improvising. The characters are all so superficial and unlikable that it often makes the film feel interminable.
The film follows married Los Angeles bakers Lex and Mani as they attend the destination wedding of their lesbian friends, Peggy and Mia. The wedding party is made up of a bunch of awful, selfish people who rip into each other, but they are not flawed in a complicated, compelling way. The dialogue is low-key, and the pacing is shaggy, making it difficult to care when the film aims for real emotional stakes towards the end. The film starts off upbeat and optimistic, but as the weekend progresses, the problems arise, and the film never feels like it's going anywhere.
In conclusion, "The Drop" is a film that had the potential to be a cringe-worthy comedy, but it falls short in delivering on that promise. The pacing is shaggy, the characters are unlikable, and the film never feels like it's going anywhere.
The film follows married Los Angeles bakers Lex and Mani as they attend the destination wedding of their lesbian friends, Peggy and Mia. The wedding party is made up of a bunch of awful, selfish people who rip into each other, but they are not flawed in a complicated, compelling way. The dialogue is low-key, and the pacing is shaggy, making it difficult to care when the film aims for real emotional stakes towards the end. The film starts off upbeat and optimistic, but as the weekend progresses, the problems arise, and the film never feels like it's going anywhere.
In conclusion, "The Drop" is a film that had the potential to be a cringe-worthy comedy, but it falls short in delivering on that promise. The pacing is shaggy, the characters are unlikable, and the film never feels like it's going anywhere.