Fast Paced Storyline it's Worth Weekend Watch - itsbymayank
2 December 2022
Ayushmann - Powerful Performance, Ayushmann Khurana Choose Something different kinda story. (fresh one)

Jaideep Ahlawat - fine performance, delivers his best.

Even if there were no songs in this film, it would have worked.

A different storyline and perfect performance by both lead actors ayushmann khurana and Jaideep Ahlawat.

Every scene has been played very well, it was not very long, that's why it was better.

Story Twists and Turns are fitted perfectly with a Good Action Sequences and Cinematography.

Just because of Both Lead Actors it's a Entertaining Movie.

It's a Worth Weekend Watch.

Review By itsbymayank - Mayank Bharat Bhushan Louteriya (Review of An Action Hero)
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