Better with the volume off
6 December 2022
This was playing commercial-free on HDNet. I was playing with the phone anyway and then I took a nap. Nice scenery and pretty actress, but that's it. Mercifully the ending credits seemed to come up fast.

Unfortunately I am done with this review, but I am still required to add several hundred more characters or I can't post this thing.

So here's a story: I almost got run over by the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile. It was the late 80s and I was a dumb college student who was jaywalking across a busy two lane street. I could see that a vehicle was approaching at high speed, but I knew I could easily make it across. Half-way across I froze like a deer because I couldn't believe that I was about to get flattened by a speeding hot dog. Luckily, I came to my senses and made it across.

We'll that was fun and now I can finally post this thing.
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