5000 Blankets (2022)
Ultimate Feel Good Movie
13 December 2022
In our busy, chaotic lives, a film like this is needed to remind us of the basic good in humanity, and that no matter the amount of divisive rhetoric that's in the world today, we can all rise above the noise and do good for others. Finding our own purpose in the world is always hinged to service of others...this movie inspires each of us to stop and look around and find ways to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

This movie also gives us hope that in the worst of times and in the midst the hardest of life's challenges, people will come into our lives to help guide us to our purpose if we are only willing to see and hear them. Each of us are never very far away from hard times. It can take one major tragic event, or a series off misfortunes that land us in devastating circumstances and it's in those darkest times that the biggest lessons become available to us. This move reminds us to just see them.

You walk away from seeing this moving knowing that ultimately we are our brother's keeper.
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