The Seven Year Hitch (2012 TV Movie)
Cute Movie
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like this movie and I have seen it a few times. I think I mainly like in this movie because of the character of Kevin. I get really irked at Jennifer though. I realize that yes, Kevin definitely had some growing up to do, but in many ways she enabled him. Then when Bryce comes into the picture she starts treating Kevin like trash. Kevin however never waivers in his love and loyalty towards her. Even before he realizes that he was falling in love with her. I personally think that Kevin is too good for Jennifer. He may not have had a great career like she or Bryce, but he's faithful and loyal and good. These were traits Jennifer was lacking when she was dating Bryce. She turned on Kevin so easily for that jerk. That's not a good best friend and that's not love. I especially was irked by her believing Bryce over Kevin. Kevin tried to let her know many times that Bryce was a cheating jerk, but she always believed Bryce's lies. She knew Kevin her whole life and only new Bryce for 6 months, but trusted Bryce more than she trusted Kevin. I almost didn't want Kevin and Jennifer to be together, and I wasn't convinced Jennifer loved Kevin the way he loved her. She would bend over backwards for that horrible Bryce, but with Kevin she expected him to do everything for her. Anyway, I was glad to see Kevin being more responsible, successful, and adult like in the end. I loved that he still held on to some of his child like nature and made that work for him in his career.
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