The Avenging Angel (1995 TV Movie)
Inaccurate Information about the Inaccurate Information In Review review posted here.
7 February 2023
The Mountain Meadows Massacre was in 1857, not 1957. However, there was a brutal slaying of Brenda (and her baby) Lafferty by her Mormon brothers in law. Like the founder of their church, Joseph Smith these 2 men were also deceived by an angel of light, believing they had spoken with God (although with Smith, his story varied as to whether it was God and Jesus, or an angel, or some such combination that came to him in a vision to start their church which coincidentally has the same death oaths, symbols (sewn into their underwear and chiseled in stone on their main temple, along with other symbol of Luciferian Freemasonry, of which also coincidentally Smith, his dad, and granddad were members. Further coincidentally, for the Coincidence Theorists, a handful of Freemasons had only recently in the past...about a year and a half prior to this alleged vision, gotten away with murder right there in the same area of western upstate New York. Having drowned a fellow Freemason for doing what is also forbidden in the Mormons church, telling the secrets of their rituals, (other Freemasonic death oaths include lying to protect fellow Freemason or die, and they reenact a mock penalty, of throat slitting and gutting should one break these oaths, so Brigham Young did also carry out these murders if anyone tried to leave the Mormon church. Those who joined even into the 1970's and 1980's would be required to take this oath.

The Bible says to swear no oaths, not by heaven, because it is God's throne, and not by earth, because it is God's footstool...even swearing on a Bible is unbiblical. The Bible also says not to be deceived, as Satan comes as an angel of light, to deceive many. (And Mormonism and Catholicism both defy the Bible in countless ways, both having evidence chiseled in stone at their very headquarters, the Mormons and their temple is covered in the symbolism inside and out, the Vatican, over and above ignoring Jesus as the only intercessor, having their members "paying penance" when Jesus already paid for our sins, if one makes him one's Lord and Savior, a simple confession to God directly is all one needs to do. God said not to go to anyone else, so Mary and saints are simply Roman pagan gods and goddesses with Bible names...the Egyptian obelisk, the homage to the Egyptian fertility god, rising up like a giant middle finger, or more accurately, like a giant phallus to God, should be their most glaring clue.

Heston was also in the 10 Commandments, and anyone professing to love God would know how he feels about false gods, especially those of Egypt.

The brothers committed the murders because of their religious foundation and the death oath that was taken (and only revised later, probably in light of the highly publicized murders). Mormons have made many excuses for how they "don't really take that oath seriously", but if not, then why did they take an oath before their god (who, unlike the God of the Bible, who has always been, and always will be, and made the world and humans, theirs began as a human (so, even a child can realize he can't be a human AND have create the very first one), tried really hard to be good and perfect by human standards (God's idea of perfect is you trusting him completely), succeeded, became their god, and their men can do likewise, and be granted a world to rule. The womenfolk get the dubious pleasure of being spirit baby making machines. Thank God it's the construct of a Luciferian Freemason, and isn't so...)... if they had no intention of keeping it?

So, in upstate NY, just after the drowning of a fellow Freemason who did share information about the activities of the lodge, the trial was by a "jury of their peers", which meant - jury of 12 Freemasons who had taken the same death oath to lie to protect a fellow brother.

The locals knew this, because the secrets had been made public.

Being a Freemason wasn't cool anymore. 33° and above, they take another death oath. This time to worship and serve Lucifer, and to "work to destroy and defile the name of Jesus Christ, and to "pour down a steady stream of vilification upon Christianity", while publicly they can pretend to be anything from an atheist, Buddhist, Muslim, pagan, even a Christian, or anything else. Many world leaders are 33° Luciferian Freemasons. As are many heads of major corporations, and other influential people the masses trust. They often make their position clear by symbols on items they wear or use or otherwise display.

So, the locals were rightly angry at the acquittals.

And rightly angry when Joe came out about a year and a half later with his Freemasonic religion for the whole family. The Freemasons also were not happy. He claimed his god (certainly not the God of the Bible, it goes against everything he commands) told him that he was to take the wives of other men as his own. Nope. That is not the God of the Bible, that would be adultery. And God wants people to stay married when they get married, not covet another man's wife (it's in the 10 Commandments, for Pete's sake). And he took men's underage daughters for wives of his own as well. Breed 'Em Young was no better, and also did the same. Coveting that which did not belong to him.

Then there were all the cons, including starting a bank to take everyone's money, and leaving his accomplices holding the bag.

THESE are the reasons Joseph Smith was run out of town to town, and Young as well. Real men and real Christians weren't having this Satanic doctrine being peddled to them or their town. Even secular people weren't having the con games. Joe's family were known for their cons. The religion wasn't the first.

God made sure there were over 5,000 copies of the Old Testament, scattered hither and yon. That way, a counterfeit would be readily apparent. Any tampering would stand out. And no ancient fakes exist. The writings have been found, in varying staged of the whole Old Testament (sometimes it all hadn't happened yet, but what had was kept as a record, so they all substantiate writings found even in Egypt. Their records align with biblical ones on the Hebrews living there.

But the Mormons...had one record that their angel of light (if there were such a thing, or just another con) gave and took away, supposedly to protect it, after assisting with translation...which was grammatically incorrect and needed 6 revisions. God confirms his word with his word. Makes sure there's a way to assure no counterfeits or random additions are added.

So, the correction is, it was a century earlier, BUT the violence written into their death oaths, that did carry into the late 1900's, and they were still being acted upon. And those who took the oath before it was altered (it's rumored to have changed, I don't know what they may have changed it to), those people would consider themselves to still be under oath.

If I didn't mention it, that includes the obligation to kill another Mormon who tries to leave, to protect their soul from damnation.

Definitely not the God of the Bible. Absolutely not. Besides, Jesus didn't have a Satanic brother (that would elevate Satan from a fallen angel to a son of God, and therefore part of God (God is in Jesus and Jesus is in God) which is absolutely is NOT any of those things. He also never "tried to force people to be good", as they claim.

In case any other discrepancies are in there...that covers a few.
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