Glass Life (2021)
1 March 2023
As a collection of images, quotes and snippets of an online life, I guess this correctly echoes the diversity of influence and distraction we all suffer these days, if we allow it. However, coming from an "artist" I was looking to see a point and an insight that made this more than the sum of its (many) parts - but I didn't see that. Many of the quotes were so familiar as to be cliches and, if I'm honest, I found the voiceover to be somewhat irritating - maybe because it was a bit too fast to really be heard and thus considered? But also that could have been part of the point?

(Many people and sources are credited at the end, but I could swear that the repeated drum pattern was from "Just Like Honey" by the JAMC - but perhaps it was just a copy?)

Luckily, it's quite short.
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