Life in Color (I) (2015)
Katharine Emmer's tour de force.
24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What do they call it? A passion project? When one person writes, directs, produces, stars and edits a film? This is a perfectly realized vision. The story is kind of simple: a couple of unappealing loners get thrown together, and against all odds, they wind up helping each other solve their problems--fix each other, in a way.

Emmer found some nice onscreen chemistry with Josh McDermitt. Their individual and joint story arcs are all convincing and satisfying.

The downside of the story is, Emmer and McDermitt had to work to make themselves unappealing to fit the characters at the beginning of the movie. Two truly obnoxious and/or physically unattractive are not likely to have similar results in the real world.
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