My 14 Year Old Daugher Says: Weak Porridge!
25 January 2023
So me, single hot dad in Hawaii, watched this with my daughter, who thankfully has had some arts education and recognized it as the weak drivel that it is. I mean, gags are as fun as gags are as funny, I suppose, so there's some of that, but there's a little much too material directed at feline fetishists, and I say this as one, or not, anyway, the idea of visual gags being incredibly funny or surprising in an animated universe seems to assume that the viewer is infantile. To me, the movie was like a really long and entertaining youtube video, or the first time you play some story line oriented game. You kind of know what gag is coming next...

Yes, I think the smarmy and gratuitous appeal to cat fetishists is annoying. Then again, cats are cool and can do things like jump 12 times their height, or something. They are also fantastically good at sleeping, as I am.

Watching this with my daughter yesterday was a father-daughter bonding experience because we both were making fun of this stupid movie. It is what it is.

It is an irrelevant art form, at this point, and so it attracts less talent.

The core problem is that the story has no story to tell, so it tries to engage the viewer in an identity crisis. Sign of the times.
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