Simple Story With A Strong Lead Performance
30 January 2023
Saw this at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival

"Other People's Children" is a story about a childless woman forms a deep bond with her boyfriend's young daughter. This is director Rebecca Zlotowski fifth feature film and I have seen two of her previous works which are "Planetarium" and "An Easy Girl". Planetarium was really bad and An Easy Girl was pretty good. Here, Zlotowski provides good direction and wholesome scenarios despite having a predictable narrative. Various films about childless woman, romance and bonding had been explored before and for the most part, despite a few different approaches on the subject, it was mainly simple.

Many of the romance movements and motivations were basic and pretty standard for a typical French romance story. What makes the film still interesting was the direction, beautiful production and designs and a strong performance from the main lead actress Virginie Efira. Efira's performance was incredible as she captures every emotion from her character and has good chemistry with Roschdy Zem. The two lead performances helped to give a certain charm between the two characters and helped to make them pretty interesting. The child actor was also pretty good and adorable.

Besides a simple story, there were some moments that didn't do for me as some of the soundtrack choices were a little off-putting and some of the pacing could have used some work. With the main characters, there were side characters that felt a little out of place or underdeveloped that I wish could have been explored a little more. However, despite being predictable, I was still able to connect with the movie emotionally and still be invested with what is happening around them. I appreciate Rebecca Zlotowski approaching this story with a different point of view and I do look forward what she has to offer next.

Rating: B-
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