Punky Brewster (1984–1988)
This show and I hit it off
25 March 2023
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Warning: Spoilers
As I was navigating through YouTube videos I came across a couple of video clips of Punky Brewster and I had no idea that this show had been aired in Brazil my home country years ago.

I've recently started watching it and loved what I've seen. The show brings a lot of innocence and life lessons that goes along with being a foster child. I look up to Henry who was willing to take responsibility for Punky and how much he loved her. She changed his lonely life right after she met him.

Punky is constantly faced with the reality of not having a mother who happened to leave her at a mall and never bothered herself to track down her missing daughter. This show is a masterpiece to me. No matter how hard life can get if you manage to work things out and still have fun. I'll keep on watching this show and not going to stop watching until I'm finished. The 80s made the best sitcoms hands down.

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