The beginning is really convoluted, with the way Ms. Haoli (Gene Tierney) allows a complete stranger to carry her package, this after having told him it was glass vases worth over $15,000! The whole falling in love etc was also contrived. But one can look past all this (after all, it was the charming way they often made movies in the 1940s, in order not to waste time and precious film reel!) because, whenever Gene Tierney is onscreen, whichever the film, she truly elevates the quality by her simple presence. With no offense meant to Jaclyn Smith, Gene Tierney had to be the most beautiful woman Hollywood has ever filmed! Not only that, she was a magnificent actress. She was very underrated and should have been way more famous, certainly way more than many of her era who were neither lookers nor could act (Bette Davis, I'm looking at you here!) I have been very disappointed by most stars from the Golden Age but Gene delivers every time.
The other stunning presence here is delivered by the little Indian boy, Chandu (or Gunga Din, as the character played by Robert Montgomery's unbrother George nicknames him). He steals every scene, he is adorable. His eyes are sparkling and light up every time his disarming smile brightens up his handsome face. I looked him up, wondering if he made a successful career back home, in Bollywood. Imagine my shock and horror when I learned that that was none other than Baretta's murdering protagonist, Robert Blake. Hmm....
There is one man (character Jujubi or something like that) who is evidently trying for an impression of Sydney Greenstreet. Similar bearing, dressed all in white, sits the same way, same gravitas and pauses in delivering his lines. Can't be a coincidence! This being 1942, the year of Casablanca, I wonder how the original took it. (Maybe they couldn't afford him and went for a knockoff?) He's also a pretty good addition, here.
Anyway, the ending is disappointing, and part of why I don't give it an 8/10. I expected a Gene living happily together with George and the little cute Indian boy. Alas, that was not to be. (You'll have to find out by watching what happens to each and everyone of them.) Nevertheless, this movie is much better than most B movies of that era starring lesser and very boring (but more famous) actresses than Gene Tierney. This reminds me to watch everything she ever starred in. Well worth my time, and I hope you'll find her very worth yours too. Gene's performance is a 10/10 (as is Robert Blake's) but the movie is only a 7/10 (and would probably have been a 4/10 without the lady!)
The other stunning presence here is delivered by the little Indian boy, Chandu (or Gunga Din, as the character played by Robert Montgomery's unbrother George nicknames him). He steals every scene, he is adorable. His eyes are sparkling and light up every time his disarming smile brightens up his handsome face. I looked him up, wondering if he made a successful career back home, in Bollywood. Imagine my shock and horror when I learned that that was none other than Baretta's murdering protagonist, Robert Blake. Hmm....
There is one man (character Jujubi or something like that) who is evidently trying for an impression of Sydney Greenstreet. Similar bearing, dressed all in white, sits the same way, same gravitas and pauses in delivering his lines. Can't be a coincidence! This being 1942, the year of Casablanca, I wonder how the original took it. (Maybe they couldn't afford him and went for a knockoff?) He's also a pretty good addition, here.
Anyway, the ending is disappointing, and part of why I don't give it an 8/10. I expected a Gene living happily together with George and the little cute Indian boy. Alas, that was not to be. (You'll have to find out by watching what happens to each and everyone of them.) Nevertheless, this movie is much better than most B movies of that era starring lesser and very boring (but more famous) actresses than Gene Tierney. This reminds me to watch everything she ever starred in. Well worth my time, and I hope you'll find her very worth yours too. Gene's performance is a 10/10 (as is Robert Blake's) but the movie is only a 7/10 (and would probably have been a 4/10 without the lady!)