Higuita" is a political thriller that tells the story of a political leader in a unique way. The movie successfully maintains the suspense throughout and delivers a well-handled climax. One of the best aspects of the film is its portrayal of the leader, Mukundan. Unlike typical movies, "Higuita" does not depict Mukundan as either entirely good or entirely bad, but rather offers a more nuanced and complex portrayal of the character.
The casting in "Higuita" was spot on, with all the actors delivering impressive performances that did justice to their roles. Shyam Sreenivasan, in particular, demonstrated his ability to handle serious roles with ease. Suraksha, meanwhile, delivered yet another remarkable performance, as she always does.
While the second half of the movie did experience a slight lag, the powerful and exciting climax more than made up for it, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats.
The casting in "Higuita" was spot on, with all the actors delivering impressive performances that did justice to their roles. Shyam Sreenivasan, in particular, demonstrated his ability to handle serious roles with ease. Suraksha, meanwhile, delivered yet another remarkable performance, as she always does.
While the second half of the movie did experience a slight lag, the powerful and exciting climax more than made up for it, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats.