Une affaire de femmes.
7 April 2023
The huge amount of movies Mocky made during a rather unsung career is prodigious ; his filmography has become a true hit -or-miss affair.

"Le cabanon rose" is one his best latter days works ; bearing a distant resemblance to Nelly kaplan's critically-acclaimed "la fiancée du pirate" (1969), it depicts a strange affair in a one-horse town in the middle of nowhere ;it shares with Kaplan a decidedly feminist side ,considering the denouement.

The solemnity of the voice over which begins the movie may make the viewer think he's going to watch a serious ,true and meaningful story ; it's a spoof on this kind of movies; "le cabanon rose " is a black comedy , and ,by and large, it's quite successful .

Mysterious murders and disappearances occur in this apparently quiet country ;a sergeant is more interested in his hourly beer than his investigation ; a giant detective comes to the rescue ,but his height is a major surprise!

Frederic Dieudonné 's lines hit home , full of puns and black humor ;:the gendarme consoles the guy whose brother is missing : "even if he is dead, life goes on!"; Jean -Marie Bigard ,as the alcoholic police officer, Christophe Fluder as a would be Poirot and Bernard Menez ,the village idiot who "might have killed the usurer ,but do not remember" are quite excellent;the cinematography is beautiful and takes advantage of the country landscapes; the ending verges on horror movies and it works!a good time is guaranteed for all!
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