Hmm, is it bad or great? The answer is obvious
12 April 2023
Well, this had two reviews when I looked it up; a two-star and a ten-star. So which would it really be? Bear in mind, I love off-beat movies and B movies and even some pretty terribly produced movies if the writing and plotting is clever. And I like or even love some movies that other people hate (to each his own). But this movie was awful. Just abysmal and utterly boring. How I crawled through to the end is beyond me, but even further beyond me is why anyone would give this 10 stars.

My chief complaint is the endless narration of the story, which in THIS case is a terrible replacement for well-written dialog. The acting was pretty bad...I've seen worse, but this is near the bottom. All of the characters were unlikable, which isn't always a bad thing, but in this case I just couldn't get engaged with any aspect of the insipid story. For a movie that's only 10 years old it feels awfully dated as well.

But hey, to each his (or her) own! I never tell people not to waste an hour and a half of their life watching a bad movie, because I think that's very presumptuous and pretentious. But I know I won't waste another minute on this piece of crap.
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