My Engineer (2020)
Bohn was the king of red flags
16 April 2023
So, the main couple was basically like:
  • Bohn sees Duen with a random girl or a guy
  • He gets jealous
  • They fight
  • They make up
No, that didn't happen one time. Neither two times. That happened ALL THE TIME! Broo, being that jealous isn't cute, it's toxic af. I'd leave his ass.

ALSO the doctors in this are so stupid, Frong's mum went to the hospital because her stomach hurt and they were like "oh yeah, it's a tumor" WTF i thought tumors can't cause this kind of pain. Then, when they checked her the second time after idk how many days, they were like "yeah, everything is fine, it's just a cyst." WHAT DID YOU GUYS STUDIED?!

It was boring in the end. The only couple I was interested in were Ram and King! So healthy. So supporting. So sweet.
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