This movie, along with movies like Mean Girls and Legally Blonde, is one of my favorite chick-flicks. It's one of those films that are funny no matter how many times you watch them. It's got a solid cast, all of which are hilarious. The protagonist is over the top but also relatable at the same time, to some extent, of course. I empathize with Kristen Wiig's character. Feeling like a loser, being afraid to take a risk at following your passions because of past failures, feeling left out, seeing your friend by pulled away from you by someone who's seemingly "better" than you in any way, feeling inferior to other women, being afraid of growth, being afraid of commitment, staying with toxic people who use you, having little respect for yourself. I think a lot of us can relate to some of the things I listed. And of course, this character is funny as hell. Kristen Wiig put in her all, and I'd also like to give credit to the writers for allowing her comedic talent to shine in this role (unlike the writers for the Ghostbusters reboot, which was full of talented actors and actresses who were completely screwed over due to bad writing). Her character was written so well, as were the others. 10/10.