Blaze (2022)
I appreciate what this movie tries to do, not so much how it tries to do it.
8 March 2023
Blaze is not a movie for everyone. And I'm still not sure if it was for me. The movie is about trauma and how people cope with it. But unlike what you would come to expect from a movie about such heavy topics, it puts a uniquely interesting spin on it with its gorgeous visual language and its dream-like vignettes.

The movie starts strong. The first act of the movie; where we are introduced to the conflict is excellently done. Actors Julia Savage and Simon Baker put up brilliant performances to communicate the movie's emotions the way the filmmaker would have wanted for it to be. There's so much subtelty to it that it had me excited for what's to come.

Unfortunately its novelty fades and the movie seemed to have exhausted itself the more it went on, in my opinion. It just never capitalized on it's excellent start and becomes a little too indulgent and a little too aimless. And by then end, you're left with the feeling that Blaze had the potential to be so much more.

All that aside, I still appreciate this movie for what it tries to do. It's definitely a unique and colorful cinematic experience and one that could inspire new avenues of storytelling.
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