Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Incredible turn around, season 3 is amazing!
9 March 2023
Season 1 was okay not bad but not great. Had its moments mainly involving... Don't want to spoil it.. Season 2 was a direct sequel to 1 in story but went horribly wrong and for the first time ever I just couldn't be bothered to watch the last episode, it was that bad. I even managed to finish season 4 of Discovery, that's how die hard a trekkie I am lol.

But season 3 is just genius and classic star trek from the start.

Episodes 3 and 4 especially blow me away.

Being Jonathan Frakes back as a director and actor just bring that magic the show was missing.

The story, the cast, the sets, music, effects, acting, humour, it has it all just down to perfection.

Watch them all of you are a die hard fan only, or just watch seaaon 3, you'll pick things up.

If they can keep this up for the rest of the season I will be a very happy trekkie.

Live long and prosper my friends.
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