Fun and talented, Fawn (voiced by Angela Bartys) is one of the animal fairies who believes you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, or animals by their fangs. One day, she ends up befriending a huge and mysterious creature known as the Neverland Monster, and tries to convince Tinker Bell (Mae Whitman) and her friends that the beast is not what they think. Fairy Fawn always had a good heart and refused to see evil in people. Therefore, she becomes friends with a gigantic monster. Sininho and her friends fear that this relationship could be harmful to all the residents of the city, and they decide to fight the villain before it's too late.
Tinker Bell movies are always cute, each one with its quirky and clumsy characteristics, and they even created an even cuter monster, delicious to watch their adorable antics... that puppy from "The Neverending Story"...
Tinker Bell movies are always cute, each one with its quirky and clumsy characteristics, and they even created an even cuter monster, delicious to watch their adorable antics... that puppy from "The Neverending Story"...