sort of spaghetti western
9 May 2023
It's 1836 Texas. President Houston is trying to have the new Republic join the United States. He sends his trusted scouts, Erastus Deaf Smith (Anthony Quinn) and Johnny Ears (Franco Nero), to stop rebels plotting to stop the enterprise with help from foreign powers. Johnny watches Susie (Pamela Tiffin) bathing in the river and falls head over heels.

Anthony Quinn is a compelling and powerful voice in cinema. So, let's make his character a mute. It's a simple solution. Just switch the two lead roles. They also don't give the villain enough screen time to develop. The movie needs to build up the big bad before the heroes can take him down. This is sort of a spaghetti western even if it's filmed in Spain. More can be done to create an unique form of communication for these characters. I can imagine some fun hand signal games. In the end, this is an interesting film although still a minor failure.
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