Sole Custody (2014 TV Movie)
Alternates between three (3) movie titles but this made for TV film was unimpressive
17 May 2023
FYI This made for TV film goes by three different titles which are: 1. A Badge Of Betrayal 2. Sole Custody 3. The Arsonist

Whatever the movie title goes by this made for TV film was predictable and unimpressive. I really like Julie Benz as an actress but come on writers, give the actors more of a story line to work with. A cheating husband, both husband and wife work for the local police department, and they have a young eight (8) year old son they both want custody of. You get the drift I am sure.

I can usually tell after the first twenty (20) minutes or so if the film will be able to hold my attention or just be one of a thousand other boring made for TV crime/drama films with an irritating film score that tries to hold our attention with that similar soap opera suspenseful music that goes on and on and on.

I was waiting to see this film for some time and I can now state my wait was not worth the film content. Sorry Ms. Benz but quite frankly this film was a stinker. Put it behind you and hold out for a better storyline.

I give the film a poor 4 out of 10 IMDb rating.
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