Platonic (2023– )
Binge-worthy comedy on relationships
25 May 2023
Sure, it's nothing special in terms of recipe, but the final dish is refreshingly sweet and honest.

Platonic is a mostly feel-good and charming look at adult relationships, friendship and midlife crisis shenanigans with Rose Byrne and Seth Rogen's chemistry elevating the material. If you're not into the Seth Rogen brand of humour you might actually be surprised by this performance which shows a more mature Seth Rogen who's still able to pull out some genuinely funny moments of comedy when necessary. In terms of exploration of adulthood, don't expect anything too deep but everything is flowing so smoothly that I ended up watching one episode after the other over two days.

Will (Seth Rogen) just got out of a divorce and is a owner of a brewery while Sylvia (Rose Byrne) is a stay-at-home mom of three kids who's clearly bored with her life, they both end up reconnecting after spending a few years apart. It's a light and entertaining Friday night watch with some good performances all-around. When Rose Byrne channels her inner comedic side she can be effortlessly hilarious and it's almost as if Seth Rogen brings out the best of her which allows her to unleash her wild side.

I got attach to them pretty quickly thanks also to the writing which is not flashy but can be clever at times. It wins you over with the smaller moments that speaks volume. Maybe it's because I just hit my 30's or maybe it's because I always liked Seth Rogen, but this resonated with me without saying I was emotionally moved by the series it does get you hooked with the blend of drama and comedy, all thanks to Byrne and Rogen's charms and wits.

I just think this works without being special or ground-breaking, it immediately becomes some sort of comfort food. In some ways, this might've benefited from the whole season dropping the same day but the first three episodes will be releasing on May 24th. It might lose some people along the way with the week-to-week format. By the end of the series, I was a bit underwhelmed by the finale, it left me wanting more. I still think it was a good watch overall.
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