Scientific advancement has always been fraught with risk and danger. In The Werewolf, a pair of unscrupulous doctors test their treatment for radiation sickness on an unwilling guinea pig - automobile accident victim Duncan Marsh (Steven Ritch) - with unexpected and disastrous side effects: their experiment turns the man into a bloodthirsty werewolf. Doh!
With such a silly reason for a case of lycanthropy, this one sounds like it should be a hugely enjoyable slice of 50's B-movie schlock horror, but it's not nearly bonkers enough to qualify as such. Once the werewolf has been introduced, running amok in the small town of Mountaincrest, the plot goes nowhere, the majority of the film consisting of the hunt for the lycanthrope by local police, which doesn't prove very riveting.
Furry-faced with sharp teeth and claws, but wearing a suit, the monster is more likely to elicit laughter than scares - and the transformation effects - old-school dissolves between the different stages in make-up - are also good for a few giggles, but with such a predictable script (the nasty scientists get what's coming to them and it doesn't end well for Marsh, shot down by a torch-wielding mob), this is a disappointingly weak werewolf movie.
With such a silly reason for a case of lycanthropy, this one sounds like it should be a hugely enjoyable slice of 50's B-movie schlock horror, but it's not nearly bonkers enough to qualify as such. Once the werewolf has been introduced, running amok in the small town of Mountaincrest, the plot goes nowhere, the majority of the film consisting of the hunt for the lycanthrope by local police, which doesn't prove very riveting.
Furry-faced with sharp teeth and claws, but wearing a suit, the monster is more likely to elicit laughter than scares - and the transformation effects - old-school dissolves between the different stages in make-up - are also good for a few giggles, but with such a predictable script (the nasty scientists get what's coming to them and it doesn't end well for Marsh, shot down by a torch-wielding mob), this is a disappointingly weak werewolf movie.