Aspiring fashion model Midori (Mari Atsumi) is a headstrong girl with a mind and a will of her own. Endowed with a beautiful face and a perfect figure, her beauty has become a popular attraction in trendy fashion magazines.
Midori suddenly finds herself compromised by her ambitious lover, and she has a rotten father who draws unwanted attention to her, from the yakuza...
Jellyfish are considered a symbol of beauty and radiance, an inspiration of what it takes to live life on your own terms they symbolize love, resilience, survival, faith, and adaptability.
Life can be tough as Midori finds out, but just like jellyfish, go with the flow, endure pain and suffering, and survive you can always bounce back no matter how hard you get hit... An excellent Masumura melodramatic tale, one that incorporates a tasteful exploitive element, popular and typical of the era...
Midori suddenly finds herself compromised by her ambitious lover, and she has a rotten father who draws unwanted attention to her, from the yakuza...
Jellyfish are considered a symbol of beauty and radiance, an inspiration of what it takes to live life on your own terms they symbolize love, resilience, survival, faith, and adaptability.
Life can be tough as Midori finds out, but just like jellyfish, go with the flow, endure pain and suffering, and survive you can always bounce back no matter how hard you get hit... An excellent Masumura melodramatic tale, one that incorporates a tasteful exploitive element, popular and typical of the era...