I read this at 10 years old and saw it at 53
30 April 2023
This movie was beautiful. Judy Blume waited for the right person to take on her universe. Kelly Fermon Craig brought a simple touch to Blume's story, making it a true gem to watch.

I had read this book as a young girl and had my daughters read it while growing up. It has given girls a door into their own adolescence for more than 50 years.

I cringed just as I did 45 years ago at the awkward moments and feeling as an outsider as Margret did, but now I also cringed at the mother's misteps. I also known how trying to fit in to being a stay at home mom can be.

Thank goodness the film stuck to the time period. Seeing the electric skillet and blue Corningware made my day.

Thank you for a comfort food kind of movie.
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