Ano natsu de matteru (2012–2014)
📹ABCs As Dull As You Please °tepid° 💯%🔍
2 May 2023
🔠B likes A; C likes B; D likes C; E likes D; A likes B; & F gonna film it all.

Sadly, overall, the show gets a "C" at best.

🚀In WITS a hot bimbo crashes to 🌍 on top of our ML, Kaito. It follows a group of school friends as they venture into amateur filmmaking, while at the same time, they're discovering eachother 's secrets. This is a man's (anime nerd's) idea of a romance. We've got the blushing-maiden-teen-boy and the gorgeous-open-and-over-sexualized-yet-unaware-and-innocent girl who is also quite available. Unfortunately, WITS has no wits about it. It's thoroughly room temperature and as captivating as a middle school paper on the history of home 🎥movies.

💕Inane shilly-shallying over relationships, simplified characters (tho I do like Remon), witless dialogue, and a tepid plot characterize WITS. It isn't the worst. Some viewers will enjoy this show, but there are many better things to watch. WITS is in a large pile of anime that would be perfect for age 11& up, but for the sexualized content such as panty peepin, bouncing boobs, and bawdy references. It isn't difficult to imagine that kids in the 10-12 year range are this show's primary audience, inappropriate as that is.

⏳Yes, this writer watched the whole thing. I did, so you don't have to. I'm at a juncture where there's not much happening right now, so I have time, and with 13 24-minute episodes, WITS is a small 🕐-investment for me. For a busy person, though, WITS is a waste of 5.5ish hours. It's categorized as a romance on the streaming service that currently airs it exclusively, but it is not a good fit with that genre. For the 14+ crowd, other choices such as: Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon, Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple, Edens Zero, and even Chivalry Of A Failed Knight are far better time spent in the Male-teen-twit-encounters-innocent-(or otherwise)-sex-kitten(s) category, which is the Twinkie bin in anime's pantry.

🎨There's scenes here and there with beautiful artwork. Unfortunately, the writing📝, directing🎬, music🎵 & sound🔊 are all merely adequate - Not horrible; just nothing special. Don't wait for WITS to get any better; if anything, the quality declines in the latter episodes. WITS is dubbed, and the English actors are good - they always are. These guys are pros, and they are much appreciated, as dubbed anime is the best (the exact opposite of foreign language live action, for which subtitles are a must).

🙈Ova is the 13th episode that takes place 2 years later in their last summer break. Just when I thought the drudgery was over, 27 more minutes are dumped out like space junk. As it starts they find the first reel they shot together in the course of the previous 12 episodes. We revisit their first meeting in which Remon brought some funny bug juice that elicited some elicit behavior from the group. It is all a pile of nauseating nostalgia. It's worse than the first. Even if you enjoyed episodes 1-12, Ova is on a lower level.

🚧Now you know the ABCs of WITS. Watching it isn't as bad as reciting the alphabet backwards during a traffic stop, but it's close enough to another thing-to-be-avoided. Pull over and make a u-turn before you do something you'll regret.


How am I supposed to compete with such a perfect Airhead like that?

Q. Do you even have a license? A. Yes, most of them.


📣67 📝 59 🎭70 💓58 🦋45 🌞50 🎨72 ⚡35 🎵/🔊60 😅36 😭15 😱15 🤔25 💤50 🔚70

Age 14+ PG language A boobie bros production including games with kissing and a dare to have sex. Other sexualized scenes, scattered here and there, are around 5/10, and there's a downright bizarre crotch-shot at level 6/10. One girl isn't wearing underwear and says she's a nudist - she doesn't mean to, but she always forgets to put on her panties! Yet she somehow manages to seem innocent about it (afterall, we're in male-nerd Candyland) .

Re-📺? This one's barely in the good-to-pass-the-time category and I shan't pass this way again...

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