Directed by Marius Penczner and filmed by students from Memphis State University, now known as the University of Memphis, this has a very familiar looking stop motion creature in it. If you were watching music videos in 1983, you saw ZZ Top's "TV Dinners." Well, that same monster appears in both, as that video was also directed by Penczner.
After landing in Pleasantville, United States, aliens convince two criminals to help them rule the world by using Uni-Cola, the most popular soft drink around. In addition to that monster, the aliens can put people into a zombie-like form, which gives this movie its title.
Made for just $27,000, most people of a certain age saw this paired with Attack of the Killer Tomatoes on USA's Night Flight. Once it came out on DVD, it got ed-edited - 33 minutes less! - and what remains is a really fun film that feels as if it really was made in the 50s.
After landing in Pleasantville, United States, aliens convince two criminals to help them rule the world by using Uni-Cola, the most popular soft drink around. In addition to that monster, the aliens can put people into a zombie-like form, which gives this movie its title.
Made for just $27,000, most people of a certain age saw this paired with Attack of the Killer Tomatoes on USA's Night Flight. Once it came out on DVD, it got ed-edited - 33 minutes less! - and what remains is a really fun film that feels as if it really was made in the 50s.