Not a full product.
15 July 2023
The problem with this movie is that it shouldn't be a movie. If this was a show with a proper start (like the first movie), an interesting twist with character development (like the 2nd movie) and a finale (a potential 3rd movie) it would've been a straightup banger. But because it's not a complete story, leaves too much story out and has no proper direction to go in other than the characters in both movies sharing the same goal of reaching a safe location.

Things they could've done to make it better:
  • Made a 12 episode show out of it instead with a start and ending;
  • More interesting character progression;
  • More backstory;
  • More interesting villain(s).

What I liked about the movie:
  • Concept is good;
  • Lots of suspension;
  • Great locations;
  • Good videography.

I feel like it had a lot of potential and hype but didn't deliver since both movies were extremely mediocre in the end.
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