Review of Agent

Agent (2023ā€“ )
Great acting and super funny
17 July 2023
Being a huge fan of both Esben Smed and Nikolaj Lie Kaas, I have seriously been waiting for "Agent" to hit the TV screens, and I am not disappointed. The first 2 episodes is both well played, beautiful and funny directed by Kaas, and Smed is hilarious as the charming but constantly lying kendis-agent "Joe". The first 2 episodes are full of funny scenes and words, like "Facial", which I hope every Dane knows the meaning of šŸ˜ Kaas serves everything with great humor and timing, and I can't remember the last time I have laughed so hard from a Danish TV production... well, maybe that was actually when I watched "Sover Dolly pĆ„ ryggen". "Agent" is an uplifting, funny and well played series, staring some of the best Danish actors. I can't wait for episode 3 šŸ˜ Well done Nikolaj!!!
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