7 June 2023
This has become my favorite xianxia.. I laughed l, I cried, I love so many characters here.

Tian Yao and Yan Hui are the epitome of true love. Their devotion and loyalty to each other are unmatched by anyone else. They would do anything for each other, even sacrifice their own lives. Their love is so pure and powerful that it transcends time and space. They have a bond that connects their hearts and souls. You can feel their emotions and their pain as they face countless obstacles and enemies.

You can also feel their joy and happiness as they overcome them together. You admire their love and wish you could find someone who loves you the same way. They are your role models and your inspiration. They are everything to each other. They are not just lovers, but also best friends, partners, and soulmates.

I hope there will be an additional special episode ^o^
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