Space Precinct (1994–1995)
Wow, is this ever bad.
10 June 2023
I guess TV sci-fi (pronounced, "si-fee") in 1994 had to be made on a budget of $3.80 per episode. At least, that's what this thing makes it look like. Oh, sorry -- I forgot that _Star Trek TNG_ was filming at the same time with a budget of one million US dollars per episode. I guess it was just that this show was so bad.

"Effects" that were created using the leftovers from a high school science project, writing that was inspired by 1930's comic books, and characters with all the depth of a sidewalk puddle. What's not to love? Please, just shoot me now -- something the cops in this show are plenty willing to do, particularly if it's aliens (anybody not a Terran) involved. Let's be insensitive as well as bloodthirsty, eh?

Good grief, it's hard to believe this kaka lasted an entire season before somebody pulled the plug on it.
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