No spoilers. This film has serious DERANGED vibes mixed equally with J Horror ghost visuals. The plot seems fairly straight forward at first, but takes a crazy twist mid way. The lead actors do a great job in the 'crazy' department and get more and more unhinged as the film progresses. Kooky doesn't describe this film well
Enough. The location of the film and surrounds are all creepy rural Australia which is used really well in hovering drone shots setting up the isolation of the area. While obviously shot on a budget the cinematography, lighting and set design are all top tier. There's some blood while not being an overly gory film the practical and cgi effects are used to good effect. This film has many different layers and was entertaining rather than scary. It takes a fairly well used haunted house type story and turns it on it's head taking to places you wouldn't expect, so it expounded upon those clichés and turned the story into something more. There are multiple storyline's happening in this film and sometimes that felt overwhelming, but once I was in the groove I enjoyed the characters motivations more which helps to swallow the crazy ending! Highly entertaining and something truly original while very familiar at the same time.