This is not very good. I'd much rather watch Miss Julie (August Strindberg) or something by Ibsen. If this play hadn't been written by Bertolt Brecht, would we even give it the time of day? And despite Bowie's disgusting(ly good) performance, is there much here to recommend this staging? One only for Bowie completists, perhaps?
Something wonderfully good like Miss Julie, manages to keep focused as it delivers emotional blows. Whereas this offering veers all over the shop and is far, far, far too wordy. Perhaps this comes from Brecht's early "Laughing Gnome" period?
The heart's filthy lesson?
Something wonderfully good like Miss Julie, manages to keep focused as it delivers emotional blows. Whereas this offering veers all over the shop and is far, far, far too wordy. Perhaps this comes from Brecht's early "Laughing Gnome" period?
The heart's filthy lesson?