Awful but I'm really glad I watched it
9 August 2023
Cade: The Tortured Crossing is the latest film from everyone's favorite cult movie director, Neil Breen. It's a sequel to another of his films, but I went in without seeing the first movie and still had a good time.

It's all around an awful movie, but it's also highly entertaining. I went to an actual theater showing of it, and I treasure the experience of cracking up and groaning to this movie with at least 100 other bad movie lovers. The dialog is stilted, the acting is stiff, the shots always linger too long, the script repeats itself so many times, and there's at least 7 fake-out endings that will have you begging and then cheering when the film finally does end. It broke my brain, but in a fun way. A very high laughs-per-minute rate as far as bad movies go. Watch it with a big crowd of fellow cult movie fanatics.
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